Day 3 A Safe, Protective, and Health Promoting School
Pillar III
A Safe, Protective, and Health Promoting School
It is a school that is safe for and protective of childrens’ emotional psychological, physical and moral well being.
Characteristics of a Safe, Protective, and Health Promoting School:
Code of conduct developed for learners’ behaviour and teachers ( enquiry process and disciplinary actions) and implemented, both developed with the consultation of all stakeholders, including learners.
Having mechanisms for risk prevention and for identification of appropriate and relevant interventions and programmes.
School has the capacity to deal with violent incidences.
Availability of water source
Having capacity to trauma, management and/ or counselling of both learners and educators.
Availability of programmes and policies for the awareness and prevention of violence, substance abuse,sexual harassment and HIV/AIDS in the curriculum
Kahoots & Surveys
Pillar 3 Characteristics Indicator Survey